martes, 27 de septiembre de 2011

I visited a romanesque church dedicated to Saint John on a cloudy day, with my family.

It was made of large stone that seemed very old.

The church was built in the eleventh or twelfth century, I read in a sign.

He had two porches that agrador very pretty, where you can get when it rains.

Everywhere I see stones, sloped ceilings, old wood and corners full of secret stories. I really liked and have fun!


miércoles, 21 de septiembre de 2011

This last summer...

This summer I learned to walk. And we learned that we can find lots of things in a path. This one is me walking in the mountais.

We found flowers, in the paths...

...and we found insects in the flowers!

It's fine walking hard!

In some sections of the road we found the suspension bridges and crossed with my aunt.I will not be afraid, but it was exciting!!!

Even we spent walking through tunnels made ​​in the rock. Mom told me that they had people hitting directly on the stone.

Finally, we found a great waterfall, which was fine because we had very hot!